How a Fish Finder GPS Combo Can Help You Catch More Fish

Are you tired of hauling in a blank day after day? You don’t have to be a fishing expert to catch more fish. Investing in a fish finder GPS combo unit can make all the difference when you’re looking for the best spots for reeling in your next big catch.

Find out how this technology can help you become a better angler and make every trip out on the water enjoyable!

Welcome to this comprehensive guide to purchasing and using a fish finder GPS combo system. While you may already be familiar with the term “fish finder,” you may still have some questions or simply want to learn more before investing in a device. A combination of GPS and fish-finding technology can help you locate and catch more fish when you’re out on the water and can be an invaluable tool for any angler.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything from identifying the main components of a combo device to how to correctly use it once it’s installed in your fishing boat. We’ll also explain how precisely these systems work and how they measure depth and temperature, identify different types of critters living beneath the surface of the water, determine where bottom structure is located, assess the type of environment you’re fishing in and reveal other types of data that might give clues about what kind of fish inhabit an area.

No matter your level of experience with fishing or fish-finding devices, we’ll discuss exactly how these technologies work together to save time (and money) when out on the lake. So if you’re ready to get started, let’s dive into our complete guide to using a fish finder GPS combo system!

Understanding Fish Finder GPS Combos

Fish Finder GPS Combos, otherwise known as sonar fish finders, are essentially a combination of a fish finder and a GPS mounted into one device. This type of boat electronic is used to identify the location of the fish and makes it much easier to get on top of them with more accuracy. The basic operations involve emitting sound waves from an transducer that passes though the water in order to receive actual information about the depth, bottom contour, thermoclines and structure of where you are fishing as well as any potential fish under your boat.

Aside from its navigation abilities, a Fish Finder GPS Combo has two basic sections or screens – one for displaying the sonar readouts which indicates what is underneath your boat and beneath the surface; and another for showing map functions detailing your exact position in relationship to longitude and latitude coordinates.

Although there are several additional features such as aerial images, satellite pictures, trajectory tracking and more that are available on some models; understanding these basics will be enough to get you started. In order to understand FFP Combos better, this guide will isolate each of these components and go into further detail.Understanding how sonar works (which pulse rate is right for you), mapping your coordinates so you can get back to specific spots later (and find new ones quicker) and understanding how additional features can help you become eligible in catching more fish will all be discussed here!

Basic components and functions of a fish finder GPS combo

A fish finder GPS combo is an electronic device that allows anglers to not only locate fish underwater and in real-time, but also to track the movement of and mark locations for potential coves and shorelines.

Combining the functions of a GPS navigator with a fish finder, this device works by combining four basic components: a transducer, display board, signal processor, and gps/navigation chips. The transducer is what detects sound waves created by underwater structures and activity as it is sent out in the water. This transducer then sends signals to the signal processor, which then displays them on the display board in correspondences to depth readings as well as images of objects/structures on the bottom such as rocks and vegetation.

Lastly, when activated through navigation control buttons placed on the faceplate of these devices; it activates satellites using their integrated GPS/navigation chips which helps mark and record places that may hold possible locations for catching more fish.

How a fish finder GPS combo works

A fish finder GPS combo is a device designed to combine traditional fish finding sonar technology with GPS chart plotting and navigation capabilities. By connecting the GPS antenna to the fish finder, you can locate a structure or vessel by following pre-plotted coordinates on your map. Plus, you don’t have to worry about losing your way; the GPS feature can guide you back to port as long as you remember where you parked your car.

The sonar technology of a fish finder allows for easy visual mapping of underwater structures like rocks, reefs, and sunken objects. With transducer technology and pulse wave imaging capability, even vertical walls can be detected and precisely located with pinpoint accuracy. This allows for more effective bait placement on structure that may hold large numbers of game fish in deeper water without worrying about catching anything along the way.

In addition to providing useful data on how fishing conditions are at different depths, many models also possess specialized features such DownScan imaging which allows anglers to view a ‘picture’ of what is happening below their boat in real-time – even recognizing individual species of fish or baitfish swimming around!

Most modern Fish Finder / GPS combos also come equipped with built in Wi-Fi so users can update software upgrades right from their mobile devices – giving users all the latest technology at their fingertips!

Different types of fish finder GPS combos

When shopping for a fish finder GPS combo, it’s important to understand all the different kinds of combos available on the market. Combos come in two main types: Stand-alone or integrated. Stand-alone combos include all the necessary hardware and software in one package. This type is ideal for casual fishermen who don’t need any extra features or functionality. Integrated combos are more sophisticated and come with built-in GPS systems and sensors that provide advanced features such as built-in mapping, autopilot, scrolling sonar images and more. These units are often bulkier and costlier than stand-alone models but offer advanced features not found on stand-alones such as real time mapping, weather data tracking, autopilot, detailed sonar alerts, temperature readings and more.

How to Read a Fish Finder: Find & Catch More Fish

In addition to these basic types of combos there also exist specialized fish finder GPS systems that utilize various methods for their operations. These specialized units include smart phone apps that serve as ‘collaborative’ devices between your boat and your iPhone/Android device; ‘Drag & Drop’ applications that allow you to create custom maps with your own waypoints; ‘Underwater Imaging’ devices which use an underwater camera to identify individual species of fish; ‘Fish Trackers’ which track where fish are moving in a lake or ocean; and lastly high definition models which provide extremely detailed sonar views of underwater objects such as rocks, plants and other structure. With so many different technologies available it’s important to understand which specific technology will be most advantageous for you before purchasing a combo unit.

III. Choosing the Right Fish Finder GPS Combo

When choosing a fish finder GPS combo, it’s important to consider your budget. Inexpensive “entry level” combos will provide you with the essentials you need such as waypoint management, navigational aids and the basics of fish finding. If you want more advanced features so that you can target specific species or even lake depths, it may be worth investing in a higher end unit that can provide more specialist performance. Be sure to research all models thoroughly before making your decision.

There are several key aspects to consider when selecting the right GPS combo for your needs. You don’t have to spend too much money but should consider whether or not it meets all of your demands. For most anglers, the following points will give them an excellent starting point:

Screen Size: Make sure that the display is big enough for you – or fits in with the other gear you have planned for your boat. Pay attention to resolutions; higher-end models tend to produce clearer screens and vibrant images when navigating and making high definition maps as well as when using sonar for finding depth of water and schools of fish beneath your boat.

Sonar: Sonar is a crucial aspect of effective fishing and this includes multi-frequency capabilities (up to 50kHz). Many professionals recommend going with lower frequencies like 83 kHz or 200kHz for distance tracking but whether higher frequencies such as 455kHz or 800 kHz should be used depends upon what natural areas are mapping out and how deep the depths at which you are fishing are – including from any given shoreline spot where larger wattage may come into play, depending upon conditions related to clarity within coastal waters.

Factors to consider when choosing a fish finder GPS combo

For serious anglers, a fish finder GPS combo can help them stay both focused and safe on the water. The GPS component provides navigation by either providing coordinates of a spot to try, or finding one’s way back to the launch point. As for the fish-finding component it often includes sonar technology that can help locate fish schools and pinpoint other potential fishing hot spots. Following are some factors anglers should take into account when exploring their options for a fish-finder GPS combo:

  1. Display: Fish finders vary widely in terms of display type, with models featuring LCD screens or LED displays offering varying degrees of detail and brightness. When angling in bright sunlight, an LED screen can be beneficial, though it may lack the color and contrast of an LCD model.
  2. Side Imaging Technology: Perhaps the most common type of advanced sonar today is side imaging, which gives a sweeping look at surrounding environment allowing anglers to identify toys depths as well as submerged hilltops or other bottom contours in order to find schools of baitfish or predatory species on the prowl.
  3. Portability: If anglers plan to use their device aboard different boats, size and portability certainly become more appealing factors for consideration when selecting a fish-finder GPS combo unit.
  4. Price Range: As with any purchase decision budget plays its part in determining the best level comfort balance between features one desires and price point. Ultimately its important to value quality over cost when considering an item that you hope serve your needs optimally for many years to come;

Different features to look for in a fish finder GPS combo

When choosing a fish finder GPS combo, you must decide which features are most important for your fishing needs. Each feature adds convenience and effectiveness to your fishing experience. With so many different features available, here are some of the most important ones to consider before making your purchase:

Screen Resolution – Higher resolution screens provide better overall clarity and visibility. If you plan on looking for smaller objects underwater, a higher resolution will be more beneficial.

Built-in GPS – The built-in GPS can help you easily find locations where fish may be concentrated or you have previously marked spots that were successful fishing sites.

Transducer – The transducer is an integral part of the fish finder that serves as the sensor that sends out sound waves and receives the echo sound waves sent back from underwater objects such as structure or fish. The transducer also helps determine water depth by bouncing off the bottom of the lake or ocean floor.

Sonar Imaging Technology – Sonar imaging technology gives fishermen an advantage by showing a detailed image of what is below the surface of the water in real-time based on sound waves received from objects in its range. Newer models provide even more detailed images with enhanced coloration and added functions like temperature sensing ability, fish tracking, waterproof backing, and water temperature sensors built into software programs within fish finders and apps that connect to it wirelessly.

Best fish finder GPS combos on the market

If you’re an avid angler, having the right equipment is essential. A quality fish finder GPS combo can help you locate and catch your favourite fish species quickly and efficiently. When considering which fish finder GPS combo to purchase, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First of all, consider the size of the display screen. Small screens make it difficult to view detailed readings and measurements, while larger screens provide a much more detailed glimpse into the underwater environment. Choose a combination that has a large productive display that allows you to easily navigate your way around the water and clearly read all of your data readings for superior success on the water.

Fishing GPS combos tend to come in three different power sources: 12-volt DC systems, portable batteries or even AAA batteries. While 12-volt DC systems are not always required for fishing in deeper waters; portable battery or AAA battery-operated models may be sufficient depending on your individual needs. The type of power source should also be taken into consideration when selecting between different models and brands.

The types of features available will vary with each model as well as price range. From built-in maps to electronic charts or even tracking capabilities; there are several options available which offer outstanding functionality so make sure you select one that best suits your individual needs. It is important to truly understand what each model offers before making any purchases; lastly, research brands reviews such as those found on consumer forums for impartial opinions from other satisfied customers!

Maintenance and Care for a Fish Finder GPS Combo

Maintaining and caring for a fish finder GPS combo can extend its lifespan and ensure you always get the best performance when fishing. Prior to each use, ensure that the unit is secure inside the boat. Gently place it in a protected area, away from obstacles and rough surfaces like edges and corners. When transporting the unit from one place to another, make sure that it’s protected from impacts, adverse weather conditions, and excessive heat or cold.

For optimal performance, check the probes regularly. Inspect them before using them or storing them to make sure they are in good condition. Make sure that they are correctly attached to the main unit with all connections tightly secured and kept away from obstructions like cables or engine components. Cleaning will also help reduce false readings caused by buildup of seaweed or dirt on the surface of the transducer.

Inspect all cables running over longer-than-normal distances on board periodically since those are most prone to damage from exposure to salt water and constant wear-and-tear during use. Replace any damaged portions as soon as possible before using it again with your fish finder GPS combo or storing it away in its protective case. Check batteries frequently and replace whenever needed either immediately prior to fishing excursions or right after taking out your boat last trip so you do not forget when next season begins!

Proper cleaning techniques for a fish finder GPS combo

When using a fish finder GPS combo, there are certain cleaning precautions that should be taken. This device is made with delicate electrical parts and proper care should be taken to ensure quality performance.

First and foremost, never use any type of abrasive cleaners on the electronic parts of the device which can cause damage to the circuitry. Additionally, do not submerge your device in water as this is a significant no-no.

After each use, you should wipe down your device with a damp cloth and air dry it. If you find that after usage it has collected any debris, remove it carefully and promptly. Additionally, take care not to drop or mishandle any part of the device as this too can cause malfunctioning or damage to components within your unit.

Storing and protecting a fish finder GPS combo

Fish finder GPS combos offer an invaluable tool for finding and catching fish, but it can be damaged if not properly stored and protected.

Be sure to avoid extreme temperatures when storing your device. Hot cars or direct sunlight can damage the circuitry and display, while cold weather and frost can destroy connectors. Also, make sure to secure your device tightly when transporting from place to place— rough roads can be hard on digital equipment.

How To Read a Fishfinder (2023 In-depth Guide)

Before you store your fish finder GPS combo away for extended periods of time, make sure the battery is fully charged. This will allow you to have maximum charging power when you’re ready for a fishing excursion. Make sure your devices are always safely secured in a waterproof case or container that will protect the valuable electronic equipment from corrosion due to humidity and salt water splashing. For maximum protection from dust, dirt, oil, grease, grime; get it seal-coated periodically as recommended by the manufacturer’s instructions or by your local electronics shop.

Don’t forget a waterproof cover or plastic bag if you’re carrying it on board, as this prevents water damage when waves splash over the gunnels of the boat or during an unexpected rain shower at sea. Nobody likes electronics malfunctions in extreme weather out at sea so make sure you follow these basic guidelines to ensure years of reliable service from your fish finder GPS combo!


The information presented in this guide provides a starting point for those who want to take the next step in using technology to improve their angling experience. A fish finder GPS combo device is the optimal choice for serious anglers and amateurs alike, bringing together the depths of a fish finder with all of the navigation capabilities of a GPS.

No matter what your skill level and angling priorities, using today’s technology can be highly beneficial and even essential in increasing your chance of success out on the water. By choosing to invest in a state-of-the-art fish finder GPS combo device, you can make the most of your outing and maximize your chances of finding success.


Can you catch more fish with a fish finder?

Using a fish finder can help locate fish and increase the chances of catching more fish, but it ultimately depends on the skill of the angler.

What does a GPS do on a fish finder?

The GPS on a fish finder allows anglers to mark and navigate to specific locations, including fishing hotspots, and helps them keep track of their position on the water.

How does a fish finder detect fish?

A fish finder uses sonar technology to send sound waves into the water, which bounce off objects and return to the device. The device then interprets these echoes to determine the location and size of underwater objects, including fish.

How accurate are fish finder GPS?

Fish finder GPS can be quite accurate, with some models having accuracy within a few meters. However, accuracy can be affected by factors such as atmospheric conditions and signal interference.

Which GPS fishfinder combo is best?

The best GPS fishfinder combo will depend on the angler’s specific needs and preferences, such as the type of fishing they will be doing and the size of their boat. Some popular brands include Garmin, Humminbird, and Lowrance.

At what speed will a fish finder work?

Fish finders typically work at any speed, but higher speeds may affect the quality of the sonar images and make it more difficult to accurately interpret the readings.

Does fish finder show fish size?

Fish finders can estimate the size of fish based on the strength of the sonar echo and the size of the fish symbol on the device’s screen, but it is not always 100% accurate.

How much does a fish finder help?

A fish finder can be a useful tool for locating fish and improving fishing success, but it is not a guarantee of catching more fish. It still requires skill, knowledge, and experience to effectively use a fish finder.

Can you use 2 fish finders at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to use multiple fish finders at the same time, but it may require additional equipment and careful placement to avoid interference between the devices.

Which fish finder shows fish the best

There is no single “best” fish finder for showing fish, as different models have different features and capabilities. It ultimately depends on the angler’s specific needs and preferences.

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